Sunday 29 November 2009

Christmas fear

Christmas has snuck up on me once again. I had grand visions of a house full of decorations this time round, but alas this has not come to pass. I confess that I haven't even gotten around to getting a dowel on which to hang our advent calendar.

I have this grand notion of handmade Christmas tree ornaments, temari with metallic threads, embroidered bunting and quilted stockings. I've sketched ideas and bought fabric, set aside threads in red and green, all but sat and down made the decorations.

As I began berating myself once again for being a Christmas slacker, I had a thought. Wouldn't it be better to make one or two more time-consuming and detailed decorations each year that will always remind me of that particular Christmas? Perhaps even stitch the year somewhere.

This is a great idea on so many levels. I let myself off the hook for this year (and every subsequent year). I can take my time and actually enjoy stitching the one or two a year that I choose to make. And I'll eventually have a substantial amount of quality decorations. Works for me.


Chrissy said...

I think all too often we beat ourselves up about not being the perfect crafter. You are right to enjoy what you make, it is after all a hobby. Take your time and really relish your making. Don't do it because you feel you should.

Jackie said...

We never put our decorations up until the last weekend in Advent so relax..there's still three weeks to go.

Liz said...

It snuck up on me too!